Sixth Visit: Making the Others Happy and Ease


Posted on 07 Jul 2021 21:00 in ASKSiddhiのひとりごと by Yoko Deshmukh

I am struggling to find out myself but I also believe I will overcome.

I never regret my decision to visit the clinic where professionals will guide me to a better life. The routine becomes a precious opportunity to observe me from a third-person's eyes.

Set of medicines: tryptanol 10 mg, escitalopram 10 mg [ethyl loflazepate 1 mg when I feel awful] 

Since day one, my daily routine remains steady: I get up at 4:30-5:30 AM, take warm cups of something, and either start working or reading (but most of the time, working) and then continue working through the evening around 5:00 or 6:00 PM. Then go for an hour walk, have dinner, take a bath, perform prank exercises, watch Grey's Anatomy while doing foot massage, then if possible, read a book before going to bed. 

The medicines seem to be playing a relatively heavier role of letting me rest; thus, I feel too sleepy after around 10:30 to read books. I hope the change of this time's medication would help me be awakened during the daytime. I manage to play the piano for 30 minutes a day, but I sometimes feel frustrated as I need more time to practice. 

For more than three months now, I continue measuring my body composition, including weight, body fat, and muscle mass, twice a day. I also record everything I put in my mouth. I even started measuring my blood pressure twice a day about a fortnight ago.

The doctor said I might be running at the same speed as when I was in my 20s or 30s, and now is the excellent time to think of slowing down. The counselor said I looked much better conditions than before. Hearing their comments with my plastered smile on my face, I wasn't sure of it. 

My next visit will be retaking my blood and urine tests.

Path to Mental Health on ASKSiddhi:
"My First Step to Get Back the True and Original Self" Posted on 31 Mar 2021
The Second Visit: Introduction Posted on 14 Apr 2021
About "BOOCS" Method of Therapy Posted on 15 Apr 2021
The Third Visit: "Nothing Changed Yet Stable" Posted on 28 Apr 2021
Quantifying Physical Health's Unexpected Fruits Posted on 18 May 2021
The Fourth Visit: Let's Be Kind To Each Other Posted on 21 May 2021
Fifth Visit: Under Pressure Posted on 10 Jun 2021

Changed Medication Posted on 24 Jun 2021

購入後半年で故障したフォッシルのスマートウォッチを巡る、意外な顛末 Posted on 16 Sep 2019

世界最悪の交通渋滞は、あの都市:ほかワースト10にインド4都市 Posted on 30 Jan 2020
友人、インドのミルトン水筒に魅せられる Posted on 02 Jul 20211
インド人の平均寿命と、女性の伸び率鈍化 Posted on 01 Oct 2019


=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===


1 日本に住民票を有しない海外在留邦人等の皆様の中で,日本に一時帰国してワクチン接種を行うことを希望する方々を対象としたワクチン接種事業を,本年8月1日から開始します。終了時期は2022年1月上旬を予定していますので,フライト等制約がある中で計画的にご準備ください。

 2 なお,本件事業の対象者は以下の条件を全て満たす方ですのでご注意ください。

=== 転載終わり ==



About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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