Before my fourth visit to the clinic, I would like to summarize my current condition and the daily routine I am adhering to (without anybody's advice.)
I continue taking the following set of tablets every evening for the past about 20 days now:
tryptanol 20 mg, ethyl loflazepate 1 mg, escitalopram (as SSRI) 5 mg
Every morning as I get up, I scale my weight, body fat, muscle mass, and other essential body figures using Tanita's health meter. When I deliver the job in the morning, I get up as early as 4:30 AM and take a sip of diluted low-sugar lactobacillus beverage (Calpis.)
Before breakfast, I drink a glass (200 ml) of vegetable juice (no added salt and sugar) and take lactobacillus tablets after the meal. When I change, I vacuum clean the first floor of my mother's house and stairway while performing leg stretch exercises.
Every evening after supper, I take lactobacillus tablets, take a bath after 20-30 minutes, run the final finish of the ASKSiddhi article, or read an online newspaper from the bathtub. Then I check my figures once again on the health meter.
After my face moisturizing routine, I do the plank using the app Plank Workout (now I am on the third day of the Intermediate course.) I work out for my inner core while boiling water for the herb tea. Then I step on the exclusive foot massage mat (官足法マット) for 20 minutes + massage my left calf and thigh + right calf and thigh + both hands and arms while watching Netflix "Grey's Anatomy (around 45 minutes per episode)," then sip the then lukewarm herb tea at least 500 ml. Then I read for about 1-1.5 hours before going to bed.
I input the values from the health meter in Tanita's official app, "Health Planet." Also, I use another app, "あすけん" for recording what I eat for the day.
Since I started recording my stress level (on Evernote), my body composition, and food choices for observing the (very tiny) transitions, I realized I earned a new natural habit. That is, whether my sources of anxieties, particularly about income and job, are more important than my health or not. This realization is gradually helping me to dismiss the depression and lead to positive thoughts and actions.
Path to Mental Health on ASKSiddhi:
The Third Visit: "Nothing Changed Yet Stable" Posted on 28 Apr 2021
About "BOOCS" Method of Therapy Posted on 15 Apr 2021
The Second Visit: Introduction Posted on 14 Apr 2021
"My First Step to Get Back the True and Original Self" Posted on 31 Mar 2021
1 インド人の平均寿命と、女性の伸び率鈍化 Posted on 01 Oct 2019
2 購入後半年で故障したフォッシルのスマートウォッチを巡る、意外な顛末 Posted on 16 Sep 2019
3 シャー・ルク・カーンまたしても米国入国時に拘束、さすがのスター的あしらい Posted on 12 Aug 2016
4 日本人と顔立ちがよく似た「セブン・シスターズ」北東部の女性、人種差別に立ち上がる Posted on 18 Mar 2017
5 ワクチン接種を済ませた人々へ、さまざまな「特典」を用意 Posted on 12 May 2021
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