My friend from Japan, K-san, today introduced me this charming cafe ideal as a coworking space for freelancers alike.
One-O-Eight Cafe, once on Lane 6, has now shifted on Lane 5 in Koregaon Park, right in front of Anokhi outlet.
The opening hours are between 7 am and 10 pm. The place looks spacious and full of light from all the angles from the enormous windows. I believe you will inhale a whole lot of energy and good vibes along with the aroma of gourmet coffee to kick start a day. Also, as a secret admirer of them for a long time now, I know the quality of their foods and beverage very well.
Another plus point is that a cup of coffee prices at around 150 - 180 rupees, which is much lesser as compared with that in Starbucks Coffee.

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