We visited Costco Wholesale near my mother's house.
Most of our visits so far would pass the time by scanning the gigantic storage-like complex full of giant products (both in sizes and quantities,) but that day, something was different.
We spotted a cart full of Pakistani mangoes priced at around 2,400 yen per box containing a half-dozen pieces.
Yes, it's not too expensive if we compare the Alphonso mangoes priced at as low as 1,200 - 1,500 INR per dozen in Pune at the peak of the season; it was worth finding the mango variety close to the ones enjoy in India.
While I haven't tried yet, the smell fills her drawing-room, and that is entirely different from the mangoes from the Philippines, Mexico, and Thailand we find relatively common here in Japan. I feel cherished and grateful by thinking of how these mangoes traveled from the farm to the wholesaler, from Karachi (?) to Fukuoka, from people to people, and from hands to finally our hands.
Additional discovery is Costco's pure-vegetarian burger (680 yen per piece.) The burger patty is available to shop online (I guess member-only feature.)
大豆の肉 バーガーパティ10個入り _ Costco Japan
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=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===
1 7月19日正午(日本時間)から、在留先でのワクチン接種に懸念等を有する海外在留邦人等を対象とした新型コロナ・ワクチン接種事業のインターネット予約受付を開始します。本事業での接種を希望される方は、特設サイトを通じて事前の予約をお願いします。
2 インドを含む指定宿泊施設での10日間の待機が必要とされる国・地域からの入国者に対しては、医師等が週に2日(月曜日及び金曜日)宿泊施設を巡回し、接種希望者に対して接種を行うこととなりますので、「巡回接種予約枠」で予約を行ってください。(巡回接種枠を予約できなかった方及び待機期間後に接種を希望される方は空港の接種会場で接種いただきます)。
メール ryoji@by.mofa.go.jp
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