Enjoy the first sunrise in 2020 from a small town in the suburban Fukuoka, Japan.

The first ray of the sun in 2020.

The sky is gradually turned into a layer of colors.

The tide is pulled to the further offshore in the early morning.

It was a cold but pleasant morning.

The risen sun shines everything into the diamond glitter.

And my new year attire was a handmade saree made by mum,
out of the patchwork of old silk kimono pieces.
1 購入後半年で故障したフォッシルのスマートウォッチを巡る、意外な顛末 16 Sep 2019
2 東京と福岡の、サリーパーティー比較考察☆ 24 Dec 2019
3 ポルトガル鉄道のインターネット事前切符予約 26 Oct 2016
4 ASKSiddhiとわたしの2019年、振り返りと反省 26 Dec 2019
5 インドで今、最も需要の高い職種とは 30 Dec 2019