My mother and Siddharth have been pointing out that I am regularly coughing in the middle of the night for about a prolonged time now (1-2 months,) but I did not recognize it myself.
Concerned, both strongly recommended I visit a physician. So, I saw a doctor in a small yet well-equipped clinic near my mother's house in suburban Fukuoka.
As you feel, I should have called them in advance before visiting the clinic. The background of seeing the clinic directly without an appointment is that in and around Fukuoka, hospitals don't accept the pre-booking, so patients are asked to come straight to the establishment to get a ticket number to wait in the lobby. Even in the COVID-19 era, most clinics and hospitals follow the same policy, consequent in the manifesto patient crowd in the premises.
However, it looks like Kojima Clinic in Fukutsu city, Fukuoka Prefecture, is different.
The apparently young Doctor Kojima decided to follow the new norm, which I feel is reasonable and acceptable, particularly in this pandemic time. When I visited, I spotted a handful of elderly patients waiting in the lobby; the nurse ensured that I came by car (as it was heavily raining outside) and asked me to remain in the car to call on my mobile to do such initial formalities.
To assure that I won't mix up with others, they conducted everything by letting me stay in the car. The medical interview, including hearing my health insurance number, was done over the phone; the nurse in PPE brought a thermometer to check my body temperature. They billed with the approximate changes in a plate and handed me the medicines by sending the nearby pharmacy staff to the parking. I felt like I was a "Maharani"!
Ultimately, I needed to enter the clinic only when they wanted the doctor Kojima to directly diagnose me and take an X-ray image of my chest to ensure there wouldn't be any sign of risky symptom (including corona.) Fortunately, he did not find anything alarming yet prescribed two antibiotic tablets for seven days to help reduce my coughing.
Later on, they even called me to answer my questions regarding another concern and apologized to me for the exceptional handling of my visit. It was understandable, and I felt that everyone should have thought it was the best decision to choose Kojima Clinic.
PS. Doctor Kojima is the physician who took care of my late father during his last months of life, and after his passing away, he participated in his funeral. I never forget this gratitude and wish him a long and healthy life.
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=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===
1 8月11日,日本政府は,新たな水際対策措置として,8月14日(土)午前0時以降にインドから日本に到着する全ての方に対し,検疫所長の指定する場所(検疫所が確保する宿泊施設に限る)での待機期間をこれまでの10日間から6日間にすると発表しました。8月13日(金)にインドを出発し,14日(土)に日本に到着する場合は,本件措置の対象となります。
2 今回の待機期間変更に伴い,空港からの移動手段,指定施設での待機後の待機場所,空港での海外在留邦人向けワクチン接種の予約を変更する必要がある方は,御注意ください。
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