I left Fukuoka this morning to visit Busan, South Korea via an LCC, Air Busan.
This is my third visit to Busan so far. The last time, I came here with my friend from Tokyo, Y-san, about three years ago. We took 9,800 yen budget tour plan from Fukuoka that involved the sea transportations, i.e. a jet ferry Beetle on the way in the morning and a ferry on the return on the same day evening (i.e. a night stay in the ship,) stayed here for merely 7 hours. Short yet memorable experience it was, and so this time I am thrilled to be here again for two nights.
Busan to Fukuoka Ferry - aFerry
I booked the free-style budget tour from the travel agency, Hankyu Kotsu-sha, and chose the place of stay near Busan International Port, named Crown Harbour Hotel, among other options. The hotel is 27-story-high and conveniently located from the major tourist attractions including Gwangbokdong (光復路,) Gukje Market (国際市場,) Yongdusan Park (龍頭山公園,) Busan Tower, and Busan Station.
It was the morning on Christmas day, and as Korea has many Christian populations (around 30 percent, which is approximately 14 million people,) we hardly saw people on the roads and streets, especially in the centre of the busiest streets. However, people burst out and flooded in everywhere after seemingly the Christmas mass had been over. Also, it was remarkable for me that I hardly saw foreign tourists in the heart of Busan today; on the other hand, we see much more Korean tourists in the centre of Fukuoka.

Underground shopping avenue alongside the subway Jungang (中央) Station.

Busan Tower.

Yongdusan Park.

Entrance to Gukje Market.


Public phones.

From the hotel room; shot with Google Camera.

Scary manner poster.

1 来年4月開催の「ナマステ福岡(Namaste Fukuoka)2019」ではボランティアを絶賛募集中! 17 Dec 2018
2 ポルトガル鉄道のインターネット事前切符予約 26 Oct 2016
3 コットンサリーが1~2枚は買えそうな値段の高級手作り服を入手 20 Dec 2018
4 映画「ボヘミアンラプソディー」を鑑賞:フレディさんとインドとの繋がり備忘録 22 Nov 2018
5 プネーで見逃した「パッドマン」、日本全国上映を機に鑑賞 13 Dec 2018