Air India's weekly emergency flight AI1306 from Delhi to Narita was 100% full occupancy unbelievably.
Despite specifying my seat when booking the ticket, which had been the window side at the tail, they changed it like breathing the air and indeed without notifying me. This way, they surprised me by letting me find my seat only on the board that was sandwiched between two male passengers in three-row seats. How could you do this, incredible Air India?
The passenger sitting diagonally right behind me was heavily coughing continuously. Do they think just by letting only the passengers in the middle seats wear PPE will prevent the infection in 100% full flight? I am now crossing my fingers for not developing symptoms when I am about to complete my fortnight quarantine. AI warmly treats all the passengers with a high risk of contagions under the name of "rescue mission."
Only smooth was taking off and landing. Air India seems to be too much in a hurry to recover their money and don't care about all other things. I must say it is the worst airline to use at the time of the pandemic.
Anyway, that was very much expected from AI, and they won't change forever, so I want to change myself (for never using AI again.) Now, I would like to make a note of what I have experienced after arriving in Narita.
You will be asked to fill the health declaration form on the flight to fill in your conditions' necessary information.
Once landing at Narita, passengers were asked to remain on the plane for about 30 minutes. Finally, entering the terminal, you will be led to the airport quarantine first.
Most of the passengers on that day's AI seemed to be Indian nationals, and I saw everyone was asked to go on the antibody test using the saliva, except for small children who were led to PCR check for taking a sample from nose and throat.
After giving the sample, we had to wait in an open space until the test result come out. When yours is negative, either red or blue paper will be handed over; it has to be shown to the immigration officer and the driver when riding the free shuttle bus ran by quarantine running among hotels nearby for two-week isolation. However, I found many people didn't have their place to stay for the purpose and seemed to be in trouble.
The plane landed at 8:30 AM, and when all the procedures until the custom completed, it was around 1 PM. It was a hectic and exhausting experience.
Tomorrow, I will write about my place for two-week isolation.

Thank God, the result was negative.

The quarantine shuttle bus stop is number 21, at the edge of the terminal.
1 購入後半年で故障したフォッシルのスマートウォッチを巡る、意外な顛末 16 Sep 2019
2 インド人の平均寿命と、女性の伸び率鈍化 01 Oct 2019
3 話題沸騰!福岡に初のベンガル料理店が彗星のごとく現る 05 Dec 2018
4 4000年前の遺跡から発掘された「カレーの原型」:BBC記事より 25 Jun 2016
5 「London Muffin」で、手作りのキムチやプルコギも買えるよ☆ 05 Nov 2020
=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===
全日空(ANA)による成田発ムンバイ着臨時便が運航されることになりましたところ,お知らせします。なお、本件照会については、今までと同様に当館お問い合わせ先(在ムンバイ日本国総領事館、電話: (91-22)2351-7101,までご連絡いただければ幸甚です。
1 全日空(ANA)では、インド航空当局の許可を取得することを前提に、インド政府が設定したエア・バブル(新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大防止策としてインド政府が実施している国際定期旅客航空便の飛来禁止措置の例外措置)に基づく便として、11月28日に成田発ムンバイ行の臨時便を運航することとなりました。なお、今回は成田発ムンバイ行のみ旅客便として運航するため、ムンバイ発成田行きの旅客便の運航はしないとのことです。
2 ANAによれば、同便の予約受付・販売は既に開始しているとのことです。
電話: (インド国内)000800-100-9274 ※24時間対応 ※通話無料
(インド国外)+81-3-4332-6868 ※24時間対応 ※有料
3 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大防止のため、インド政府よりインド到着旅客に関する情報の提出が義務付けられています。ANAによれば、インドへの航空券を予約・購入された方は、出発の48時間前までに、必ずANAムンバイ支店予約担当に渡航に際し必要な情報の連絡が必要となるため、以下のANAからのお知らせを必ずご確認ください、とのことです。
4 日本外務省はインドについて「レベル3:渡航は止めてください(渡航中止勧告)」の感染症危険情報を発出しています。インドへの渡航を検討されている邦人の皆様におかれては、インドにおける感染状況を踏まえ、渡航の必要性や時期について慎重に御検討ください。
=== 転載終わり ==