On Tuesday morning, after the long weekend, I briefly met my customer based in Osaka, who visited me in Umeda before returning Fukuoka. After that, I decided to enjoy the special lunch for myself, especially, I was craving for okonomiyaki.
So I quickly Googled the possible places near my hotel (as the checkout time was as generous as noon at the Hotel New Hankyu Osaka Annex) and found this one, Kohaku, just around 150 meters from there.
Fortunately, when I reached the restaurant at around 12:30, nobody was standing in a queue, and I was quickly able to secure my seat. Perhaps it was because of lunchtime on a weekday just immediately after the weekend.
The price of each menu was low (that's why I chose here!) yet sophisticated (or Insta-worthy) appearance. I ordered a cooked radish in truffle source, foie gras chawanmushi (steamed egg hotchpotch,) boiled potato and some creamy sauce, "Japon" okonomiyaki, and why not, a glass of white wine, followed by a cold glass of oolong tea.
The total bill was around 2,200 yen. I want to give all five-star to the taste, the ambiance, the price, and friendly staff! However, I have to admit; I missed the original Osakan okonomiyaki a lot while eating this French-fusion one.

To the right is the radish, and to the left is chawanmushi.

Visiting on a weekday's lunchtime is recommended to avoid the queue.
1 ポルトガル鉄道のインターネット事前切符予約 26 Oct 2016
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