In limited budget and time, I had these types of food in Busan. Here we go.

Jujube tea, and Honey and citron tea.

The first snacking in Busan, Hotteok from the food van on Donggwangdong.
Her hotteok tasted rather like a cinnamon naan, healthier version.

Sinful handmade taiyaki, the pancake filled with bean-jam.

Kimbap. Good serve for three adults for eating while strolling.
Making of Kimbap.

Hotteok, the high calorie version found in Gukje market.

BBQ Chicken outlet in the hotel.
An unexpectedly big quantity of fried chicken pieces overwhelmed us.

So, finally, we decided to ask them to pack the remaining pieces.
We went back to the subway and gave the package to a homeless man.

At Seomyeon Food Market. Food stalls in the centre of the walking plaza.
Every stall sells somewhat similar menu each other.

We had toppogi, jijimi, and gyoza; total 8,000 won
(we gave her 10,000 won and she gave us back 2,000.)

Piling up in the left side plate is Korean sausage.

Spicy fried chicken pieces stir-fried with green chilli and toppogi
at Hot Tori restaurant near our hotel.

Rice topped with shredded Korean nori seaweed sheet and tobikko.

The food court in Lotte Department Store Donggwangdong.



Cheese Souffle at Caffe Pascucci in Busan Station.
1 ポルトガル鉄道のインターネット事前切符予約 26 Oct 2016
2 映画「ボヘミアンラプソディー」を鑑賞:フレディさんとインドとの繋がり備忘録 22 Nov 2018
3 コットンサリーが1~2枚は買えそうな値段の高級手作り服を入手 20 Dec 2018
4 チャーイだけじゃない:インド発、ビタミンとショウガたっぷりで身体を温める飲み物 23 Dec 2018
5 チェンナイの「5ルピーの医師」ジャヤーチャンドラン先生が逝去 22 Dec 2018