大きなテーブルスペースを使わせてくださったYogi Treeにも感謝している。
Yogi Treeは広々としたアウトドア喫茶スペースがあるため、まるでガーデンパーティーのようで、とてものんびりと過ごすことができた。
2018's one and the only tea party was very cosy and lively place of exchanging friendship, all thanks to the lovely people who joined yesterday. Also, I thank Yogi Tree for allowing us to use their big space, it was like a garden party, and we spent a truly relaxed time. I made many new friends, and at the same time, quite a few old friends of mine also came to greet us. I feel grateful to everyone who showed up even for a short time.
The nationalities of participants are Japanese, Indian, then followed by Brazilian, British, and Arab. I think, for now, I must focus on hosting the event regularly than trying to gather a variety of nationalities.
I want to host it every month or at least once in three months in 2019. Please feel free to join us anytime when you like.
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