Il Divo's "Greatest Hits Tour" in Fukuoka, Japan


Posted on 31 Mar 2022 21:00 in ASKSiddhiのひとりごと by Yoko Deshmukh

The special T-shirt was a whopping 4,000 yen and of course, I purchased it.

I was fortunate to catch my first Il Divo (@ildivo) performance on 30th March 2022.

The group was the first overseas artists who got the government's "nod" to perform in Japan (almost?) post-pandemic. They sang Regresa A Mi, too, my first song to fall in love with Il Divo, when I listened to it on Vh1 India around 2010. At that time, I faced my biggest fear in life: my father's terminal lung cancer. I would spend countless sleepless nights, and their divine voice would heal me to endure the painful moment.

Also, I got a dearest friend from the UK through Il Divo, and her name is Anne Bird in Somerset. She and I would exchange a lot of letters and gifts, including an excellent collection of sheet music from their first album Il Divo. 

The concert opened with the song "I'll Be There." The song "Hallelujah" brought goosebumps to me as they sang it along with Carlos's recorded voice. 

The audiences in Fukuoka that day looked quite elderly than I had anticipated. I am now convinced that the second from the last song, "Time to Say Good-Bye," was "Furusato," a Japanese shoka (唱歌), i.e., an old-school anthem. 


The concert was very emotional as it was a tribute to the late Carlos Marin (@carlosmarinildivo,) who shocked all of us fans in the world and his fellow members with his untimely demise last December. We learned a couple of charming episodes of Carlos from David, Sebastian, and Urs. Those touched our hearts and would stay in there forever.

David Miller (@divodavidmiller) spoke almost native-like Japanese in MC and made the atmosphere warm. While other members, including the newly joined Steven La Brie (@stevenlabrie,) are also trying to connect with the audience. 

I feel grateful for their decision to continue Il Divo even after a terrible loss. Especially when I am struggling to counter my long-standing depression and anxiety, their unconditional love in the art will stay to be my inspiration like a northern star.

I pray for another successful musical career couple with a long, happy, and healthy life for all of them. I hope someday they visit my city Pune, India too. 

Back of the T-shirt.

Il Divo, before the beginning.

The "notorious" item shop.

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1 インド保健・家庭福祉省によると、インドで発行されたワクチン接種証明書を所持する方は、日本からインドへの入国に際して、出発72時間前に検体を採取したRT-PCR検査の陰性証明書又はインドで接種したワクチン接種証明書(2回接種を証明するもの)のいずれかを事前にオンライン提出することが認められるとのことです(ワクチン接種証明書の提出によりRT-PCR検査の受検及び陰性証明書の事前オンライン提出は不要となります)。ただし、日本で発行されたワクチン接種証明書を所持し、日本からインドへ入国する方は、引き続きRT-PCR検査の陰性証明書の事前オンライン提出が必要となります。


2 インド政府は検疫措置を頻繁に変更しています。中央政府、各州政府ともに今後も急に検疫措置を変更する可能性がありますので、最新情報の入手に努めてください。

3 日本外務省はインドについて「レベル3:渡航は止めてください(渡航中止勧告)」の感染症危険情報を発出しています。インドへの渡航を検討されている邦人の皆様におかれましては、渡航の必要性や時期について慎重に御検討ください。



=== 転載終わり ==


About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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