Cremona Gakki Store after the New Quest for Acoustic Piano Practice Room


Posted on 11 Dec 2021 21:00 in ASKSiddhiのひとりごと by Yoko Deshmukh

Every experience teaches me a lesson.

After experiencing bitter interactions with the nosy staff in the studio I would visit until the last month, I searched for an alternate place. I found "Cremona Gakki" in the same area.

Cremona Gakki


Fortunately, this time, the first impression was very welcoming and amiable; I feel all-female staff works well as everyone in the store smiled at me all the time. I will keep visiting here as long as I am in Fukuoka and have already booked for the next lesson.

Reference: A Studio Room for Piano Practise in Central Fukuoka City Posted on 17 Dec 2020

*You may find out what happened with my previously favorite (not anymore) studio: "I have never rated an unpleasant place before, especially this kind of tiny studio with too few footfalls in a small town, but I can't help this time. This place seems to be "picky" about their customers, and unfortunately (or fortunately), I am not their favorite visitor for some reason. Since day one, I had a weird feeling about their receptionist's tone but regretted that I kept ignoring my sixth sense. After all, their Room 1 (the room with a Kawai acoustic piano) smells like a toilet all the time with very poor (or zero) ventilation, and you could get suffocated. I recommend any other piano studios nearby or in town (there are many) if you don't want your joy practice time being spoiled by that rude and mean receptionist."

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About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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