Why Baahubali is Super-hit in Japan? Shironeko-san Says


Posted on 28 Feb 2018 21:00 in エンターテインメント by Yoko Deshmukh

Find Shironeko-san's world of imaginations out of Baahubali.

*Source: Shironeko-san.

In line with the Indian online media Scroll's request for voluntarily collecting the opinions from the Japanese Baahubali fans (Mahishmatians) over Twitter, there have been growing voices from Japan of conveying their direct messages to India.

But first, you may read here the article written by the journalist Devarshi Ghosh, which is the refined, polished and sophisticated result of them and officially published on Scroll.

When Katappa-san killed Baahubali-san: SS Rajamouli’s films are the latest fan favorite in Japan - Scroll

Today, I want to introduce you Shironeko-san's answers to the questions in the course of Scroll's interview. Who is Shironeko-san? You may see her sweet manga chapter imagined out of the swan-shaped ship episode in Baahubali.

Here, the manga is a spin-off episode of Baahubali characters created by Shironeko-san. In this chapter, she imagines what will be like if King Baahubali consulted his love to Devasena with Kattappa. Kattappa suggests him to go on a date with Devasena, and in the course of it, he includes Inokashira Park, a popular dating spot in Tokyo where people enjoy a ride on swan boats. The author imagined the flying Swan Boat idea we see in Baahubali 2 came up in King Baahubali's head out of this.  

Shironeko-san is a corporate employee by profession, and thus surprisingly, she draws mangas out of her hobby. She started uploading her works on the Internet for the past three or four years and her works are greatly appreciated by many fans and call massive buzzes on the SNS whenever she uploads them. 

Q. Why do you think the film has been accepted so strongly by the Japanese community?

Baahubali has all the essential elements to make it a great work, which are love, courage, strength, kindness, charms of characters, all of those work together in the perfect scenario. Therefore, coupled with the intense and sublime passions of producers, it is but natural that everyone is captivated by the world of Baahubali.

Q. Tell us about your thought process behind the Baahubali-swan story.

In Japan, lovers like to go on dating to the park. Particularly, the park with a big pond tend to have swan boats floating on it for couples (or of course, family or friends) to enjoy the moment of peddling them (you may refer to this link.) Such moment is very romantic and fun-filled. When I saw Baahubali (Amarendra) and Devasena voyaged with the swan ship in the sky in the movie, I got an inspiration that told me they did the same as we did in Japan! I felt we share the same romantic senses between us (India and Japan.)

Q. Please talk about experience watching the Baahubali films in the theatres. 
So far, I am not able to adjust my schedule with Masala or special sound screenings of Baahubali. I saw the movie with the regular screenings three times. However, if I get an opportunity, I want to see it in IMAX and THX (where people can enjoy special sound effects to the maximum) again, as I feel the music and sound effect productions are also incredible.

Q. Share us the last words you would want to share about your work or about the Japanese fans of Baahubali with India.

I believe Baahubali will ignite the Indian cinema boom in Japan. Meanwhile, I think arts easily connect fans beyond the countries and boundaries. I would be happy if the opportunity comes where fans can share their works (fan arts) each other. Also, I wish the time would come Indian people in their respective languages would read my manga.


About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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