*Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (in June 2014)
Today’s 71st Hiroshima atomic bomb memorial day. This year seems to be a particularly special year for the survivors after the incumbent President of the United States made a historic visit to the ground-zero and the peace memorial hall.
I too have a special feeling this year, because we visited Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum earlier July with our niece came all the way from Akola, Maharashtra. I don’t have much idea about what exactly she received the message from each of the exhibits in the museum. Only one thing I can believe is that she would never forget about the fact of the ugliest acts of the human being during the WWII and in the entire her life, she would talk about it to her friends, children, grandchildren or younger generations.

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Museum in the distance. (taken in June 2014)