It was another fortune for me to get a chance to attend a mega-concert hosted by the Japanese pop group Mr.Children on 24th April 2022.
Mr. Children - Wikipedia
It was the 2nd day of the grand opening of their 30th anniversary Japan tour. The last time I attended their concert was when I was 17, with my friend, so it was long ago.
Concert's Official Website - Mr.Children 30th Anniversary Tour 半世紀へのエントランス
Mr.Children's Official Website in English (seems to be not up-to-date, though)
Since then, I would listen to Mr.Children's songs from time to time. Then eventually, I got disconnected as I had shifted to Pune, India, and couldn't access their music. Due to this reason, many of them the group played in the evening were unknown to me.
Coincidentally, my friend (not the one I had attended together in my high school) Kasako was also apparently in the same venue, and it seemed to be his seat was quite close to the stage.
He has published the setlist for that evening in his blog:
Kasako's Blog - ミスチルライブ2022年福岡セトリ!ネタバレあり!2022年4月24日参加! _ 好きを仕事にする大人塾かさこ塾、カメラマン、Kindle作家かさこブログ
As mentioned yesterday, PayPay Dome baseball stadium, which had around 50,000 people capacity, was almost entirely occupied by fans. The air heated up intensely by the time the first song arrived. My seat was on the upper part of the stand (*** place), so I could hardly identify who's who without helping the screen.
I thought how all the members, perhaps over 50-year-old age, could maintain the powerful voice and strength to perform and youthful appearance, toned body, and tireless stamina.
Continuing anything successfully for 30 years is not a joke. I gained energy and power that day from Mr.Children.
Thanks and kudos to Mr.Children and its team for performing that evening in Fukuoka. I was particularly impressed by those two new songs, Eien and Ikiru, perfect messages to the current world fallen in the dark and uncertain. I was also astonished by their bottomless creativity. I wish them yet another successful concert and career and long, healthy life.
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