I left Fukuoka this morning in the middle of the coldest wave hit the region.
I love Winter the most because of the silence where everyone waits for the bright sunshine and colorful Spring to come. By the time you read the article, I will have arrived at Mumbai already and been heading to Pune. I will miss Fukuoka in January 2018 forever.

I will miss my best friend Taco-chan the doggy from anywhere in the world.
Long live, Taco-chan.

I will miss the transit moment from 2017 to 2018.
I swear will savor my life to the fullest in 2018.

I will miss Mother's deep love very much.
She still prepares osechi the special New Year meals for late Father.

Her ozouni, the rice cakes, fish pieces, and vegetables in the soup gave me an instant warmth in my body. I pray for her safety and happiness during my absence.

Uyghur restaurant Ependi I loved the most in the past few years.

Nana-kusa gayu, rice porridge with seven kinds of Spring grasses.
Every 7th January, we eat this for anticipating the good health in the entire year.

My friend's hubby M-san's special Indonesian fish delicacy.
I loved the way he used the spices.

I enjoy the time with Y-san visited me from Hyogo prefecture.
She is interested in becoming a promising bridge person between Japan and overseas.
She will be teaching Japanese in Dacca, Bangladesh from Spring.

Finally, my friend Taco-chan again.

Wish him a long life.