Legendarily Historic Curry Restaurant, "Murugi"


Posted on 03 Nov 2023 21:00 in ASKSiddhi独断うまい店 by Yoko Deshmukh

Perhaps people working in the place now in 2023 are the second or the third generation of the founder.

The restaurant opened its doors in 1951, and since then, it has remained an iconic curry place among Dogenzaka locals and people across Tokyo and the country.


My mother was about 4-5 years old when taken by her grandma (my great grandma), who would work as a telephone exchange operator for 電電公社 (Den-den Kosha, now NTT) back then in Ichigaya. Mum is now 71, so you can imagine it was ancient. As a child, the curry must have been too spicy, so the memory must have vividly stayed forever with her. 

Indian "curree."

On a weekday's slightly post-lunch time of around 13:30,
still, many fans were enjoying the dishes.

Rice is served like Mt. Fuji.
Their menu is quite simple: chicken curry with/without boiled egg slices!

An English-speaking gentleman and two ladies working in the restaurant are friendly and welcoming. Yumminess and kindness vibes are guaranteed. 

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About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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