

Posted on 06 Jan 2022 21:00 in インドあれこれ by Yoko Deshmukh


ムンバイーの最近のニュースをチェックしていたら、「Bulli Bai」という醜悪な名前の詐欺アプリにまつわる事件を目にしたので、BBCサイトの説明を読んだ。

Bulli Bai app: Three arrested for fake auction of Muslim women in India

インド警察は最近、100人を超えるイスラーム教女性の被害者たちを「売り出し中」と宣伝する「Bulli Bai」アプリに関わったとして、カルナータカ州バンガロール在住21歳の大学生と、ウッタラーカンド州在住18歳の女を含む3人を逮捕した。



容疑は、ボリウッド俳優や著名なジャーナリスト、活動家を含む女性たちの写真が、本人の許可なく「Bulli Bai」アプリにアップロードされ、偽のオークションで「販売」されたというもので、昨年の「Sulli Deals」に引き続き、イスラーム教徒の女性たちをオンラインで「競売」にかけ、侮辱しようと試みる悪質な事件が後を絶たない。

いずれのアプリでも実際の取引は成立しなかったものの、目的が女性たちの名誉を損ない、屈辱と苦痛を与えることであったため、その多くはヒンドゥー至上主義として知られるナレンドラ・モーディー(Narendra Modi)現首相の下での「ヒンドゥーナショナリズム」の高まりにより勢いを得たヒンドゥー教極右主義者らによる犯行と見られる。

一方、昨年の「Sulli Deals」以来、警察の捜査は開始されたものの、逮捕者はまだ出ていないことも問題視されている。

アシュウィニ・ヴァイシュナウ(Ashwini Vaishnaw)情報技術大臣は先週、GitHubがアプリをアップロードしたユーザーをブロックし、警察は「さらなる行動」のためにサイバー機関と調整していると述べた。



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=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===




Department of Revenue and Forest, Disaster Management,
Relief and Rehabilitation, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032
No: DMU/2020/CR. 92/DisM 1, Dated: 24th December, 2021

Whereas, the Omicron variant of the Corona virus has now emerged as the fastest spreading variant of the same in the past few days across the world.

It has become the dominant variant in the USA and in many countries in Europe as well.

The State already has recorded a total of 88 Omicron Covid 19 cases over the past few days.

The State is also starting to see an upward trend of Covid 19 cases over the past week with more than 1000 positive cases being registered in the State every day, for the first time in last two months

Whereas, it also has to be noted that more congregations are expected across the State over the next few days in the wake of upcoming Christmas festivities, marriage season, other festivities and New Year celebrations

Whereas, in the wake of the above facts, it is imperative to impose some further restrictions in addition to restrictions imposed vide reference 'd' i.e. Order No DMU/ 2020/ CR 92/DisM-l dated
27th November, 2021 mentioned above, in order to curtail the transmission of the Corona virus in the State.

Thus, in exercise of the powers conferred under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned in the capacity of the Chairperson of the State Executive Committee of the State Disaster Management Authority hereby declares
that the following additional restrictions are being imposed across the Maharashtra State

a.      In case of Christmas Festivities, directions in the circular of Home Department, under reference 'c' i.e. Circular RLP-1221/Pra.Kra.280Nisha I B dated 23rd December,2021 shall be observed.
b.      In the case of Marriages, where movement of attendees is generally staggered, the total number of attendees at any moment of time should not exceed 100 for enclosed spaces (like banquet/ marriage halls etc.)
and 250 for open to sky spaces, or 25% of the capacity of such spaces, whichever is less.
c.      In case of other Social, Political or Religious functions and gatherings, where presence of attendees is generally continual throughout the function,
the total number of attendees should also not exceed 100 for enclosed spaces and 250 for open to sky spaces, or 25% of the capacity of such spaces, whichever is less.
d.      In case of other functions that are not covered in above mentioned categories, total number of attendees for closed spaces should not exceed 50% of the capacity declared
by the Licensing/ Permitting Authority wherein seatings are fixed and immovable and 25% of the capacity wherein seatings are not fixed and are movable. For such functions in open to sky spaces should not exceed 25% of the capacity declared by Licensing/ Permitting Authority.
e.      In case of Sports Events/ Competitions, these may be held with number of spectators not exceeding 25% of the seating capacity of the venue.
f.      In case of any other kind of gathering, that does not fall under any of the category listed above, DDMA shall decide the ceiling of number of persons who may attend such gathering,
without breaching the ceiling of percentages given by the order under reference 'd' i.e. Order No DMU/ 2020/ CR 92/DisM-l dated 27th November, 2021.
g.      Without prejudice to comprehensiveness of the directions above, it is clarified that Restaurants, Gymnasiums, Spas, Cinema Halls and Theatres will continue to operate at 50% of the capacity as declared by the
Licensing/ Permitting Authorities. These establishments shall necessarily declare prominently their full capacity as per License/ Permission as well as permissible 50% of this capacity.
h.      There shall be a ban on any assembly of people in groups of more than 5 from 9 PM to 6 AM throughout the state in all public places.
i.      In case of any activity that is not explicitly covered under these directions, DDMA may decide appropriate restrictions, generally following these principles or on the basis of local situation, as deemed fit.
In such situations, DDMA must give adequate Public Notice before making such restrictions applicable.In case of any activity covered in this order,
if DMA is of the opinion that stricter restrictions are warranted due to specific local situation, DMA may promulgate such stricter restrictions over and above restrictions contained herein. In such situation,
DDMA must give adequate Public Notice before making such stricter restrictions applicable.
j.      All existing restrictions other than the ones specifically mentioned in this order will continue to be applicable as per the order under reference 'd' i.e. Order No DMU/ 2020/
CR 92/DisM-1 dated 27th November, 2021.
k.      This order shall come into effect from 00:00 hours of 25th December 2021.

=== 転載終わり ==


About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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