A couple of houses near Mother's home still require the vacuum truck service every month, and the prominent smell reminds me of their operations on such a day. Suburban life in Japan, like in every country, let us know all the time that one's living depends on another. In other words, nobody can live alone.
One beautiful day in Fukutsu, which is my mother's town in Fukuoka, we drove to the top of Omine Yama mountain on our way back from shopping.
Omine Yama, Fukutsu, Fukuoka
It is the home for Togo Jinja, a small shrine built to heal the souls of marines who fought in the Battle of Japan Sea during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05.

*The image was taken from Wikipedia; marked the place of Omine Yama by ASKSiddhi.
Movie: Battle of the Japan Sea (1969, Japan)
Built in 1971, Togo Jinja enshrines the Admiral Heihachiro Togo who commanded the battle.
東郷神社 - Wikipedia
The altitude of Omine Yama is 114.5m high. Also, 360 degrees view of the mountain and the cool breeze from the Genkai-nada ocean make it a favourite destination for weekend camping too.
大峰山自然公園 - 森林浴・ウォーキング/サイクリング
Omine Yama Photo Gallery