It was a chilly early-January day in Fukuoka, and I named it the perfect weather to experience the Central Asian cuisine for the first time in my life.
Xinjiang Uyghur has always been in my top 10 destinations to visit "before I die"; as such, my favorite passing time is to see Google Streetview of the cityscape of and around Urumqi. My encounter with Ependi is just like the destiny led my way!
By the time of arriving at Ependi, my friend T-san and I were quite hungry, and everything on the menu looked attractive. The restaurant is run by Uyghur couple who speak fluent Japanese. The husband Memteli (*spelling not sure) said he had been working for a Japanese company in Shanghai for six years before coming to Fukuoka three years ago.
Since many of Uyghurs practice Islam, we did not find pork dishes, but ample lamb, beef, and chicken delicacies were available. We chose Uyghur "biryani" Polo, dumplings, chicken skewers, and Kazakh potato stew. None of the dishes were spicy yet aromatic with the full flavors of cumin and other exotic usages of spices. Steamy hot Polo was excellent, while I loved the juicy skewers and mouth-watering potato also. Beef dumpling was super rich. I missed Ragumen, Uyghur's representative noodle that day.
【福岡・博多】異国情緒レストラン『ウイグル料理EPENDI』でシルクロードを渡る美味しさを発見! - Kaiten Portal
ついに博多にできたウィグル料理店、エペンディ。本場ウィグルの調味料で作る料理はやさしい美味しさ! - Sarah-san's Blog

Polo, just perfect.
Click the image and you will find more photos of Ependi