Next to Aino-ie indigo shophouse is Toyomura Shuzo sake-maker, bearing its 130 years of history in making sake rice-wine in Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu. Humble yet solemn main entrance bears a beautiful contrast with the snow-white plaster wall, like Aino-ie also has.

These super grand beams had been soaked in salt water (because of the proximity to the sea) before the construction to dilute sap and so to keep worms away.

To the left is kamidana alter and the right is the compass for indicating the right direction to the chief brewer.

Old newspaper reporting Toyomura Shuzo.

I picked up a bottle of genshu, unrefined sake.

Kyoan-ji temple near Toyomura Shuzo where five fishermen sacrificed their lives in place of obtaining the permission for expanding their fishery territory in Edo-era.