One of Japan's leading burger chains, Mos Burger introduces "soy patty" option for selected burger menus. The patty is made of 100% processed soybean in place of meat, which means the entire burger is meat-free, at least in terms of solid ingredients.
However, unfortunately, I cannot find any information from Mos Burger's official website (in Japanese) that this product is Indian vegetarian-friendly, vegan-friendly, nor Halal certified. I guess it rather targets to the health-conscious meat-eaters who want to have better choices in their daily meals.
As I am recently getting more and more inclined to vegetable-centric diet habits, I would love to try it next time I visit Mos Burger!
The detail review of Mos Burger's soy patty could be found here - SOY PATTIES AT MOS BURGER :: Kawaii Kakkoii Sugoi