Location: Central Fukuoka City, backstreet of Daimyo
Menu: Kubo Curry Special, Chicken Spicy Curry, Beef-Pork Kheema, Chicken Biryani
Price Range: Approximately 1,000 yen to 1,500 yen
Staff: Friend of Indians
Access: Easily accessible using Google Maps
I've often heard that Fukuoka is a highly competitive area for curry restaurants. Recently, I visited a popular and promising eatery and wanted to share my experience with you.
Despite its location in the backstreets of Daimyo, finding the restaurant is a breeze. With modern technology like Google Maps, you can easily navigate your way to this culinary gem, ensuring a stress-free dining experience.
Like other specialty curry places, they offer a simple menu with just four dishes: Kubo Curry Special, Chicken Spicy Curry, Beef & Pork Kheema, and Chicken Biryani. During my visit, I opted for the Beef & Pork Kheema and was blown away by its rich and complex flavors. They also offer the option of a smaller serving of rice, which will lower the bill accordingly.
What made our visit even more special was the unexpected discovery that my friend A-san's acquaintance, C-san, is a staff member at the restaurant. This personal connection added a unique touch to our dining experience, and it's a reason we're already planning our next visit.
Beef & Pork Kheema.
You are guided to purchase tickets before sitting.
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