I have been learning German on Duolingo for over the past ten months and decided to take a step ahead of it with the help of my friend Sonia. She was born to Italian-French parents and has spent a significant portion of her life in Germany since childhood. She has successfully run a German class in Pune for about a decade.
German Class in Aundh
Her primary German lesson (for A1 level) will continue for three months from now, on Saturday/Sunday, for three hours each day.
Our first and second days are spent checking the pronunciation of German alphabets, numbers, punctuations, basic greetings, how to find the other's personal profile, how the verb form changes according to person and gender, and so on. While Duolingo helped me understand pronunciation, I was particularly interested in learning theory and grammar.
I was particularly awe-inspired by Sonia's energy and passion for standing and speaking without a break for three whole hours, which influenced me to concentrate on studying to catch her up.
Like me, Sonia has been to India for many years, so she connected German genders and respectful ways of addressing other people to those of Hindi, and it was interesting.
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