Trying my best to meet people from different backgrounds and nationalities is a part of my hobby and my rehabilitation activities to overcome prolonged anxiety and depression.
Coupled with seeing my artist friends Tea-san and Hiroshi-san in town, I finally decided to host the International Tea Party this month, which had been my long pending task.
This time, I posted my plan on the InterNations website's Pune Community page, and then their Pune Ambassador, Reena, jumped in to help me organize the event.
With a sore throat and cough, Reena appointed Adi to take the lead instead of her. When Adi arrived, looking at just a handful of participants, he said that the usual turn-up rate was 50% of those who responded RSVP; however, almost 0% were no-shows.
Some of them had been away from their countries for decades, just like me, and I could not help but be empathetic while enjoying the conversations with them on different topics.
Overall, getting help from a group of people from a well-established body like InterNations was the right move. Otherwise, handling the interactions with so many new people would have been challenging.
In the future, I want to continue hosting the tea party with InterNations regularly to meet kind, intelligent, thoughtful, knowledgeable, engaging, caring, and attractive people from across the globe.
(Photo courtesy: Bhushan)
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