We stayed at an excellent hotel in Asakusa in terms of hospitality, facility, location, and price (less than 10,000 yen per night.)
Hotel Sunroute Asakusa Official site
My only complaint was that they did not have a coin laundry facility on the premises, but it turned out perfectly okay, for there was a state-of-the-art washing station called "NA Laundry" within less than a minute's walking distance from the hotel.
Instagram - NA Laundry Kaminarimon
The best part for me was that the facility had an app for payment and a "laundry timer," which was so convenient for me. 1. Put your clothes for washing in the tab, 2. Choose the course (4kg [of laundry,] 4 kg+fast-dry 10kg, 10 kg+fast dry, etc.) 3. Pay.
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