Lesson 1-2 Mirror, Necklace and Medicines


Posted on 11 Jan 2016 12:00 in Language Exchange by Yoko Deshmukh

In a hotel room, I saw these three things on the table. Let's say them in Japanese, Hindi and Marathi!

*ネックレス, कंठभूषण, मोहनमाला: My Japanese grandmother's gift for me as it looks like Mangal-sutra
*2 The photos in the article are not exactly same as I see in the hotel room, sorry!

English: Mirror(s)
Japanese: かがみ (Kagami) 
Marathi: आरसा (Arasa)
Hindi: दर्पण (Darpan)

English: Necklace
Japanese: ネックレス (Nekku re su)
Marathi: कंठभूषण (Kanthabhusyana)
Hindi: मोहनमाला (Mohanamaala)

English: Medicine
Japanese: くすり (Kusuri)
Marathi: औषध (Aushada)
Hindi: दवा (Dava)

Building, Eggs and Train (9th January 2016)

About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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